Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Emotional Moment

I've never cried over a new president. I've never even listened to the inaguration speech of a new president before.
The message of this new leadership has been hope but I have so far tempered that hope with skepticism. For what are words without action? And what are leaders without followers? How much are the people of America really willing to do or are they just waiting for this new leadership to do it for them?
I cried. The preacher, who I was entirely ready to loathe, said some really great, important things. The classical music had all my favorite instruments and traversed from a moarnful cry to a joyous romp. President Obama seemed to actually mean what he said. Am I just particularly emotional today?
Do you think people will take to heart his message? I mean, he didn't actually say "ask not what your country can do for you..." but perhaps he should have - we're not the brightest group since our education has gone to shit. Did you hear him mention education? Should I be worried that it was at the end of the list? Talk about crying. I would have sobbed if he had emphasized education above all things. He did mention science and statistics and tolerance and the environment, so I guess there's hope for our country yet. Maybe.

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